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Grading and Discipline


• Students will be graded on participation and conduct.

Red Notes will be given to students who do not participate or are not showing proper Gideon behavior. They will be given as follow:

Warning – No red note. The student is given a verbal warning and information is documented.

1st Offense – Red Note will be given to the student to be signed and returned the next day. Conduct grade lowered to S.

2nd Offense – Red Note will be given to student and parent contacted. Conduct grade lowered to N.

3rd Offense – Red Note will be given to the student. Parent and Teacher will have a meeting with Mrs. Charles or Mrs. Wachsmann. Conduct grade lowered to U.

4th Offense – Student will be sent to the office.

• Students who do not wear the proper clothing and shoes for Music/PE will be given a reminder note. Parents will be contacted and the student will be assigned other work for each subsequent time.

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